Some stereotypes have already been formed about nationalities e.g. Germans are orderly and stable, Italians are loud and loving, French are great romantics who love their language, and the British? Well... British people love tea and have good manners. And what are the Spaniards like? They are sociable and open, they love music, siesta and hot sunshine, but most of all they love life!
After such an introduction, it is hard not to agree that a significant part of humanity inhabiting our planet should follow in their steps. It seems that a nation speaking a melodious and sonorous language is devoid of any worries and therefore very happy. How could it be otherwise, when Spain is provided with an extremely favourable climate, delicious fruit (not only sea fruit!), music and sun 325 days a year! Moreover, the people who live there tend to avoid stress and rush. Their existence is filled with fun, smiles, rest and procrastinating.
The Spanish mentality is reflected in a somewhat explosive, loud character, but in a positive sense. Spaniards are able to enjoy small things, appreciate small pleasures and grasp moments. Their definition of happiness is manifested even in the meals they eat e.g. weekend dinners are a kind of ritual. They start at noon and often last until late in the evening starting with popular snacks, through a decent and proper lunch and a meal that is literally translated as "conversation after lunch".
Then it is time for a lazy siesta, and when the evening comes, it is also time for dinner, which, accompanied by wine and card games, can bring a lot of joy and smile.
So the Spanish share their love between life and food...and family. It is a nation that takes great care of its own traditions, culture and has the greatest respect for its loved ones. It is all about mutual care, strong ties and life. They like to share, and often the circle of their loved ones is not only limited to family, but also to friends and neighbours. The Spanish are a very open society that definitely hates loneliness.
There is a huge difference in the way of being, behaviour between the Spanish and the British. Christmas, a round birthday party or just a sit-down with friends usually brings a lot of negative emotions connected with preparations. In addition, many hours of cooking and cleaning causes us a lot of unnecessary worries. The Spaniards are the total opposite of that, for them what matters is now, even their empty fridge does not interfere with the joy they get from being in the company of their loved ones, because you can always go to the pub and that will be fine too.
Spain is a country with a favourable climate, excellent weather and eternal rest. You can be almost sure that for a native Spaniard the siesta is undoubtedly the favourite time of day. They are taking advantage of the charms of their country, having sunshine almost all year round, juicy fruits and fresh shrimps at their fingertips. They are filled with joy and happiness, and enjoy every second of their life.