Torrevieja offers housing solutions for every budget - from small one-bedroom studios to luxury multi-bedroomed villas.
Have you not found an appropriate offer for you?
Do you consider buying a property in Torrevieja as a resident or a holidaymaker? Costa Blanca will keep you entertained!
You own property in Torrevieja or Bournemouth?
Price per square metre to buy apartment in the City Centre
The significantly lower purchase price and lower maintenance costs have convinced many British people to invest in real estate in Torrevieja. A second house in Torrevieja is a great deal, both for investment and vacation purposes.
Torrevieja is well known for numerous very cheap properties. And at the same time it is a city with amazing beaches and splendid districts that will captivate you at first sight.
a beautiful, long and extremely wide beach. Tourists love long promenades along the sea with many restaurants and bars, as well as properties in the first coastline.
a beautifully located seaside resort, with beaches marked as blue flag beaches. There are a lot of modern development properties here.
15 km of sandy blue flag beaches, marinas, top-quality golf courses, tropical vegetation and numerous attractions for tourists... this is a place particularly loved by the British.
We will find a property that will meet all your demands.
Thanks to low property prices, buying your own villa does not necessarily imply a huge expense. Therefore, it is worth investing in a house or an apartment in Torrevieja, whether you want to live there permanently or just stay for the holiday.
We keep it simple!
You are only 4 steps away from buying a house in sunny Spain
Our real estate agents will help you in each stage of searching, purchasing and renting property for tourist purposes.
Make your Spanish dream come true with us! is easy to buy property with tripinvest!
Real estate agents who will show you around properties on the Costa Blanca
Modern office in the centre of Calpe with a car park
Experience in comprehensive handling of property purchase transactions
Huge database of offers (including exclusive offers)
Check our offers from other cities on the Costa Blanca.